Animated video especially for children with bladder exstrophy
The Boy with the Tiny Belly Button is a wonderful animated film for all children born with bladder exstrophy.
Available in English, as well as German, Gujarati, Italian, and Spanish.
THE BOY WITH THE TINY BELLYBUTTON – English version from Starke Seiten n.e.V. on Vimeo.
This film is for all kids born with bladder exstrophy! It explains the congenital disorder in an understandable and respectful way and is a useful aid for parents, family, carers and teachers. The film also wants to encourage affected kids to be self-confident, brave and curious – just like kids should be!
The film is based on the German children’s book DER BESTE TAUCHER DER WELT. Available here.
Thank you to Starke Seiten n.e.V., a German organisation dedicated to kids with congenital disorders for making The Boy With the Tiny Belly Button available. Learn more.
Starke Seiten (n.e..V.), IBAN: DE33 1001 0010 0850 9601 03, BIC: PBNKDEFF. Italian Version produced by Associazione Italiana Estrofia Vescicale Epispadia Onlus.