Dr. Canning gave of himself completely in doing his utmost to improve every child’s life that he touched, to the best of his ability. He always put his patients’ care, safety and quality of life first in every conversation and plan of care. The entire BE community will miss his tremendous passion, kindness, availability and great skill.
Read MoreA Life of Lonliness: Mainouna’s Story

“Imagine the feeling of sleeping on a wet bed every night and to wake up very early to clean it and put it on the roof to dry before people wake up.”
Read MoreMissing a Piece of the Puzzle: Khadidja’s Story

Khadidja’s childhood memories are mostly of struggle. She often leaked urine and kids her age always made fun of her. They criticized her for how she walked, and how her thighs never looked as “normal” as theirs.
Read MoreTreasure’s Story Continues

Treasure is now a joyful three-and-a-half year old and currently has no major health challenges. Although she has not been able to be seen in person in the clinic, A-BE-C has been able to care for her remotely through telemedicine.
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