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India | Bladder Exstrophy | IBEC
Global Care Uganda | Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community
A-BE-C Annual Conference | Bladder exstrophy
Dr. Pippi Salle | Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community
Global Care | Uganda | Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community
Courage to Shine Award | Rachel Althizer | Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community
Global Care | Uganda | Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community
ABEC International Exstrophy Conference
Dr. William Reiner | Humanitarian Award | Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community
Like many of yours, our story is one of Acceptance of our son's diagnosis, Bravery in the face of the unknown, Empathy for one another, Courage instead of fear, and Faith in God's plan.
Dr. Boateng Nimako | A-BE-C
A-BE-C Global Care | Uganda 2023
A-BE-C Global Care | India
Global Care Uganda | Anna Artigas | Bladder Exstrophy
Global Care India | Bladder Exstrophy
Janet Rankin | Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Exstrophy
Dr. John Gearhart | Johns Hopkins
Dr. Douglas Canning
Armenia Medical Mission | A-BE-C | bladder exstrophy
Armenia Medical Mission | A-BE-C | bladder exstrophy
Johnson | A-BE-C | bladder exstrophy
Treausre | Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community
Alves to India | ABEC
We recently had the rare opportunity to get some words of wisdom from Australian, Tom Flood, who was born in 1930 with bladder exstrophy. In those days, very little was known about bladder exstrophy and no treatment options were available. His parents were told that Tom was not expected to survive and if he was not in pain, just to leave things as are. But Tom had other plans! 
A-BE-C has teamed up with a group of physicians in a coordinated effort to send much needed oxygen concentrators to partner hospitals in major cities in India, to aid in their continued fight against Covid. India is experiencing the world's worst outbreak, with 400,000 new cases each day.
Dr. Bradley Kropp Webinar | Bladders Matter | Bladder exstrophy | ABEC
Check out the video from our virtual back to school conference, where we discussed back to school concerns for BE kids and families, talk about Covid related issues, and provide tips for bathroom procedures.
Rosina comparte la historia de su hija, Fátima, también conocida como
Rosina shares the story of her daughter, Fatima aka “Mily”, and their journey with cloacal exstrophy at Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
We have been amazed at our ability as humans to pivot as our reality changed.  We have learned about and adapted to this “new normal.” The outpouring of volunteerism that I have seen on our team has been impressive.
A-BE-C | US - India Collaborative
ABEC | Seattle Children's Study
A-BE-C | Adoption Story
A-BE-C | 2015 International Exstrophy Conference
A-BE-C | 2016 Exstrophy Conference
Our Global Care Initiative
How to Talk About Bladder Exstrophy - Free Webinar Recording
The very entertaining Paul Kerensa recently hosted a funny, relatable, and encouraging show about his journey with exstrophy. The event was live on Facebook, but you can still view it here. Suitable for all ages!
Persis in the hospital
Couldn't make it to the 2019 Conference? Sessions on coping with exstrophy now available!
Johnson's Story
Four-year-old Khushbakht of Pakistan underwent her first successful bladder exstrophy repair and pelvic osteotomy in Doha, Qatar. Her journey to effective treatment was prompted by a heartfelt plea from her father to A-BE-C, which lead to worldwide support.
Expanding Our Reach
Study to be Presented at Societies for Pediatric Urology Fall Meeting
Rachel and Pamela Block
Marlo Eldridge, Pamela Artigas, AUA, bladder health
briten douglas, courage to shine, bladder exstrophy
CHLA, bladder exstrophy, Bladder exstrophy conference
The 11th Annual Workshop in Ahmedabad, India Was a Resounding Success
A-BE-C | Dr. Paul Merguerian
Third Annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament Surpasses Goal
Center of Excellence, Lurie Children's Hospital, Bladder Exstrophy
A-BE-C is Excited to Announce Newest Additions to Advisory Board
Faces of BE, bladder exstrophy
Register Now for the 2019 Exstrophy Conference
Developing a Program for Transference of Complex Surgical Reconstructive Skills
8 Healthy Cathing Habits
The Boy with the Tiny Belly Button is a wonderful animated film for all children born with bladder exstrophy.
Thank you for making Giving Tuesday an overwhelming success for bladder exstrophy
Premiering now! New documentary on bladder exstrophy in Uganda
Urinary continence with bladder exstrophy
Bladder Cancer: Facts for bladder exstrophy patients
The treatable condition of bladder exstrophy can still be a death sentence in Uganda
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in bladder exstrophy patients
Bladder exstrophy in Uganda: Undying hope and a long journey for treatment
Bladder exstrophy in Uganda: My story begins with Solomon
ABEC | Seattle Children's Study
Living with bladder exstrophy in Uganda: Johnson's story continues
Rachel and Pamela Block
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book...
“Super intern” Misty Blue Foster sees exstrophy as both patient and professional
8 U.S. hospitals are best-in-class for bladder exstrophy
13-year-old Tommy Ludlow receives Courage To Shine award
A-BE-C | Kids talk about exstrophy
Teens give Dr. Kropp's first Camp BElieve for bladder exstrophy a thumbs-up!
Second annual BE Extraordinary 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament a great success!
Registration is open for 2018 Exstrophy Conference in Cincinnati!
Good News From Uganda!
Four exceptional physicians receive inaugural ‘Richard W. Grady Humanitarian Award’
More than 100 bladder exstrophy patients receive life-changing treatment from international team
November is Bladder Health Awareness Month!
Become an A-BE-C subscriber!
The future of bladder exstrophy care in China
A chance encounter leads to groundbreaking bladder exstrophy research
Janet Gibson and Joseph B. Redman join A-BE-C's board of directors
Dr. Richard W. Grady
Johns Hopkins seeking participants with bladder exstrophy for clinical trial
Meet the Texas Bladder Exstrophy Support Group
Families in India learn post-surgical care for bladder exstrophy
Nearly 100 exstrophy patients receive treatment in Ahmedabad, India
Seven-year-old Johnson finally gets a chance at healing
Mental health providers join A-BE-C's board of advisors
Two bladder exstrophy patients receive life-changing surgeries in Qatar
A-BE-C participates in bladder health roundtable
Sabyr's journey from Central Asia to a center of excellence for bladder exstrophy
Annette's future with bladder exstrophy
A-BE-C | Failed Exstrophy Closure
A-BE-C | Long Term Management Bladder Exstrophy
BE Informed about Catheters launches with Assessment and 8 Healthy Habits
Times of India features story of cross cultural support from young patient
In the News - Young Patient Raising Money for Young Girl in Uganda
Dr. Heiko Reutter is a world renown researcher in the field of pediatrics and human genetics. In this webinar Dr. Reutter will share his research and insights on the discovery of a genetic mutation associated with bladder exstrophy.
Major League Baseball & Bladder Exstrophy
In this two-part webinar, Dr. Marlo Eldridge shares her deep experience and expertise and offers specific tips and insights to parents and providers.
Webinar recording - Overview of Bladder Exstrophy
A groundbreaking intensive workshop in the treatment of bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex for pediatric urologists and surgeons is taking place in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India on January 16-18. Many of A-BE-C’s Medical Advisory Board members will be on-site faculty and A-BE-C's Executive Director, Pamela Block, will be on hand providing support to families.