International Resources

These listings are not an endorsement of any physician or organization. The information provided here is for resource purposes only.


Uro Care Hospital, Kampala, Uganda
Dr. Stephen Wayta (Uganda)
Dr. Ranjiv Mathews (USA)
Urologists/fellows from College of Surgeons of East, Central
and Southern Africa (COSECSA)


Sick Kids Hospital

Miriam Granger – Social Worker, Urology

Ostomy Canada Society

Ostomy Youth Camp


Estrofia Vescicale Epispadia Odv

L’Associazione è nata nel Giugno 2006, da una forte esigenza dei pazienti e dei genitori per dare un sostegno umano a tutti coloro che vivono direttamente o indirettamente la patologia. Nel DNA dell’Associazione c’è la condivisione, il confronto di esperienze, l’aiuto reciproco e l’impiego delle nostre risorse per dare informazione e conoscenza a livello nazionale della patologia.


European Association of Urology

l’Association Française d’Urologie (French Urological Association):

APEx (Accompagnement du Patient Exstrophique)

Dr. Morgan Rouprêt

Professor of Urology, Member; European Association of Urology

Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière in Paris, France

[email protected]

Clinique de l’Infirmerie Protestante à Lyon – 1-3 chemin du penthod Caluire et Cuire 69300 – Téléphone : 04 72 00 72 00 – Fax : 04 72 00 74 99


Dr. Vian, Urologic Surgeonat Infirmerie Protestante de Lyon (ou 71.15)


South America
National Institute of Child Health
San Borja, Lima, Peru
Albert Sabin Children’s Hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil
specializes in Exstrophy treatment via Kelley procedure

Contact: [email protected]

Support Group: Napex Nucleo Apoio

Dr. Amilcar Giron, Urologist

Dr. Rafael Deyl, Pediatric Surgeon

Sueli Castro, President of Napex Nucleo Apoio

Darlene Farina, VP of Napex Nucleo Apoio


ASEXVE Spain (Exstrophy, Epispadias, Hypospadias)
Rosario Lopez, President


Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad

Dr. Rakesh Joshi – Professor and head Department of Pediatric Urology, BJ Medical College, Civil Hospital Asarwa, Ahmedabad, India




Muljbhai Patel Urological Hospital in India

Dr. Mahesh Desai – Consultant and Urologist and Managing Trustee

United Kingdom

Mitrofanoff Support

Kyla Rogers, Founder/Executive Director

[email protected]


Breakaway Foundation

Julie Bastin, Founder

[email protected].uk


Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH)

Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH


Dr. Peter Cuckow MBBS, FRCS, FRCS (Paed.)
Consultant Paediatric Urologist
Special interests: Bladder exstrophy, laparoscopic surgery, intersex, hypospadias and reconstructive urology


Dr. Imran Mushtaq MBChB, MD, FRCS, FRCS (Paed.)
Consultant Paediatric Urologist
Special interests: Laparoscopic surgery, intersex, hypospadias, bladder exstrophy, robotic surgery and cloacal anomalies


For adult patients:

University College London Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust

Department of Urology 

Head of clinic: Dr Peter CUCKOW

250 Euston Road



Phone : 44 (0) 20 7405 9200

Fax : 44 (0)207 813 8260