A Unique Collaboration

Since 2009, a team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, social workers, and other healthcare providers from hospitals in India and the U.S. have worked together to help children in Asia and Africa receive the complex surgery necessary to address bladder exstrophy.

The International Bladder Exstrophy Collaborative (IBEC) is a unique surgical collaboration between Civil Hospital AhmedabadChildren’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaCincinnati Children’s, and Seattle Children’s, combined with rigorous patient follow-up, has been associated with improved patient outcomes. A-BE-C plays an important role to provide critical social, emotional and educational support to treated children and their families.

With your support, we are making an impact and seeing amazing outcomes.

A Global Effort to Change Lives

This video beautifully captures the collaborative effort to make an impact on the lives of children and families living with exstrophy.

More Stories From Our Work in India

Since 2014, A-BE-C has participated in the Annual Operative Workshop on Exstrophy and Episadias Complex at Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, India.

A-BE-C has created a unique model where we not only sponsor children needing medical care, but we also arrange for the child’s physician to attend the workshop to receive education and training to continue postoperative care in their home country.

India | Bladder Exstrophy | IBEC
Global Care India | Bladder Exstrophy
A-BE-C has teamed up with a group of physicians in a coordinated effort to send much needed oxygen concentrators to partner hospitals in major cities in India, to aid in their continued fight against Covid. India is experiencing the world's worst outbreak, with 400,000 new cases each day.
Persis in the hospital
The 11th Annual Workshop in Ahmedabad, India Was a Resounding Success
Families in India learn post-surgical care for bladder exstrophy
Nearly 100 exstrophy patients receive treatment in Ahmedabad, India
Times of India features story of cross cultural support from young patient
A groundbreaking intensive workshop in the treatment of bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex for pediatric urologists and surgeons is taking place in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India on January 16-18. Many of A-BE-C’s Medical Advisory Board members will be on-site faculty and A-BE-C's Executive Director, Pamela Block, will be on hand providing support to families.