Developing a Program for Transference of Complex Surgical Reconstructive Skills
Read MoreAnimated video especially for children with bladder exstrophy

The Boy with the Tiny Belly Button is a wonderful animated film for all children born with bladder exstrophy.
Read MoreThank you for making Giving Tuesday an overwhelming success for bladder exstrophy

Thank you! The generosity demonstrated by you, the A-BE-C community is overwhelming. You made #GivingTuesday count for bladder exstrophy in…
Read MorePremiering now! New documentary on bladder exstrophy in Uganda

The Uganda Initiative is launching as part of A-BE-C’s work in global care for bladder exstrophy. See how–together–we’re already making…
Read MoreThe treatable condition of bladder exstrophy can still be a death sentence in Uganda

When a child in the US is born with bladder exstrophy, it can be both shocking and devastating. With ultrasound…
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