Adult Patient Advisory Council
We are excited to announce the formation of the A-BE-C Adult Patient Advisory Council (APAC). Established in March of 2024, this council was created to serve as a vital link between our organization and the adult patient community.
Adult Provider Network – One of the biggest needs of adult patients is to find a qualified healthcare provider who is familiar with the complexities of bladder exstrophy. We are working on a database of adult providers across the US, and will make it available on the ABEC website ASAP. Until then, you can reach out to us at:
Guides for Post-Pediatric Management of Bladder Exstrophy – Transitioning your care can be difficult for people with many different types of chronic conditions. We are developing more comprehensive resources to help patients transition to adult healthcare providers. While these are in progress, you may find the following resources to be helpful:
Bladder Exstrophy Research Summaries – Most research related to bladder exstrophy is written in a very technical manner, and we are working to improve the accessibility of this information. Many providers are actively researching bladder exstrophy (causes, management techniques, patient quality of life), and we are working with them to increase patient involvement.
Advocate for Bladder Exstrophy Care – Bladder exstrophy is not a federally recognized disability in the US. ABEC and the APAC are working with organizations like the American Urological Association and other advocacy groups to improve healthcare policymaking and awareness.
Meet the Council!

Kimberly Allen

Thomas Vincent