Dawna’s “hobo-bags” a hit with young patients in India
The children receiving care in India are grateful for more than just treatment for their bladder exstrophy. They are also the proud owners of their very own “hobo-bags.” Each has been thoughtfully made and filled by A-BE-C super-volunteer Dawna Boudot, a 17-year old from Ohio.
“The hobo bags are a huge hit in the ward today,” reports Pamela Block, A-BE-C’s executive director.
With a desire to of help eradicate the isolation and shame that strike children born with bladder exstrophy, Dawna hand made and filled more than 100 cloth bags that were transported to India for the 2017 Extrophy Workshop.
She knows, from first hand experience, that medical treatments can be scary for young patients. “I spent almost my entire first grade in the hospital,” said Dawna, born with a hole in her bronchial tube and a former asthma sufferer. “I know what it is like to be scared and to have to pass the time.”
Made of colorful upholstery material, the bags will typically serve as the childrens’ only form of luggage. Dawna filled each toothpaste, brushes, brushes, bars of soap and small plastic toys.
Read more about Dawna’s project in this feature article at Cincinnati.com.